Friday, February 1, 2013


Well I have been working to learn Ogre3D for a project at work and well there aren't any good tutorials out there. It was easy enough to export you model out. But keeping the textures and animations intact, that was not so easy. Here is how I setup materials in 3DS Max that export with Ogre3D.

Hint-- Ogre3D works best with the default scanline renderer

Ogre3D Materials in 3DS Max using an image map

1. Select a blank material in the  Material Editor --> click the standard button --> choose Ogre3d Material I  disregarded old material.
2. Select the none slot under Techniques.
3. Select the none slot under Passes.
4. Select the none slot under Texture Units.
5. Under the texture  --> select none slot under bitmap  and choose your image.

Now in 3DS Max you will only see grey if you want to see the material you will need to go back to the root of the material and click material under Max Viewport/Render Material and add the same image there.

Now you can see what your model will look like before exporting for Ogre3D.

I will add next time how I added animations to my .mesh file.

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